
Services helping people avoid hospital admission during acute illness

The Community Independence Service

This H&F based service brings together the skills and experience of different health and social care professionals to provide integrated care for patients who experience acute illness or need support to rehabilitate and improve independence.

The team includes nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, social workers, mental health workers, rehab assistants, healthcare assistants, carers, doctors, pharmacists and support staff. Besides phone advice and visits, they liaise with Emergency Departments and pre-admission units. They offer a ‘Rapid Response’ service for urgent assessment or a “Re-ablement” service for longer term problems, and accept referrals any health or social care professional, including based in secondary care.

Contact Details:

Telephone, single point of referral: 0300 033 0333


Home Ward Ealing

Helps people during a period of severe or sudden illness, or when they have been discharged from a general hospital, so they can recover and remain well at home. The service is for people aged 18 or over who live in the London Borough of Ealing or who are registered with an Ealing GP.

Contact Details:

Telephone: 020 8354 8585


Council Services – People First

This site lists contact details for council services, including social care, mental health, disability, safeguarding and out-of-hours.

Contact Details:


Heating and ‘Healthy Homes’

People First

Staying warm and cosy in cold weather is important, but rising energy bills mean that the cost of heating the home can sometimes be a worry. For older people, people on low incomes or in receipt of certain benefits, there are ways to get help with the cost of heating, particularly in the winter months when it’s needed most. This site explains what is available.

Contact Details:


Healthy Homes Ealing

This project aims to reduce the number of cold homes and hospital admissions. Its telephone help line is open to all Ealing residents and gives advice on how to save energy and cut fuel bills and offers a ‘green doctor’ home energy visit for qualifying residents. It operates Monday to Friday between 9am and 5:30pm.

Outside of these hours you can ask for a call back by completing the referral form on the website. You can also make a referral on behalf of someone else – please ensure you have their consent first.

Contact Details:

Telephone: 0800 083 2265
